Friday, March 16, 2012

Speaking out on GMO's

The growing trend towards genetically modified plants and organisms is quite an issue these days, especially with the recent proliferation of GE alfalfa and corn crops. Personally, I don't think mankind is nearly smart enough or concerned enough to be releasing GMO's into the environment. Nature has been refining the genetic structure of plants and organisms for millions if not billions of years driven by a natural selection process that has been amazingly successful in species richness and biodiversity. We can only muck up the ecosystem with our current limited knowledge of the workings of our universe, hence negatively affecting the bio-integrity of our planet. Human performance indicators to date in relation to the environment only point to one conclusion "eventual disaster" for the flora and fauna of our planet, including humans. We are like fool hardy children plowing full steam ahead to a future we can not hope to control or understand.

One Man's Opinion                David Podmayersky

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