Monday, November 8, 2010


Today many are often awe struck when considering the advancement of modern human technology, it's pretty cool for sure. Some of our advancements in computers, physics, aerospace and health care imaging for example are nothing short of amazing. The machinery we are producing is the result of quite sophisticated human thinking. The best of human technology pails though in comparison to some of the bio-machinery of the natural world.

Take a look at the dragonfly for example, examine it closely, its ability to hover, to change directions in a millisecond, to take off instantly in any direction, to compensate for changes in the wind direction in less than a heartbeat, this is truly amazing and perhaps some of the best machinery in the universe. The simple dragonfly (actually not simple at all) makes the best of our fixed winged aircraft look like amateur hour at a grade school science fair!

Just something to think about when examining our amazing advancements yet anthropocentric thinking!

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